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33 stories
Fandom Pics 2 (FP 2) [Completed]

This is the second installation of the Fandom Pics series. This book consists of pictures, funny memes or videos from different fandoms including PJO, Heroes of Olympus, Doctor Who, Magnus Chase, Harry Potter, BBC Sherlock and Gravity Falls.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. I am in no way affiliated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this work.First Published: October 2016-Dec 2016

25K 200 1.2K
League of Legends - Lores

All the League of Legends lores and MORE!!! ~Hunni

163.5K 141 2.4K
Art Book I

CHECK OUT BOOK II !Join me in art hell where I attempt to improve my drawings and showcase the rubbish I create!(Please skip to one of the latest parts because my old art is bad (^: )[12/11/16 - 25/12/20]

9.3K 200 864
best college for iit neet in hyderabad

-When it comes to the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT JEE), the importance of quality coaching cannot be overstated. In a city teeming with numerous coaching centers, one institution shines above all others - Pragathi Academy in Hyderabad. Renowned for its exceptional faculty, comprehensive study material, and unparalleled success rate, Pragathi Academy has firmly established itself as the go-to coaching institute for aspiring IITians.Every year, thousands of students from across the country descend upon Hyderabad, seeking the best resources to crack the grueling IIT JEE exams. Amongst this sea of academies, Pragathi Academy stands out as a beacon of excellence. The academy prides itself on its highly distinguished faculty, comprising seasoned professionals and subject matter experts who bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience.At Pragathi Academy, teaching goes beyond mere instruction. The faculty members are passionate about their subjects and dedicated to nurturing the innate potential in each student. They employ innovative teaching methodologies, tackling complex concepts with utmost clarity and simplicity. By fostering an inclusive and conducive learning environment, they ensure that every student feels supported and encouraged to maximize their academic growth.

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Dreamweaver; Successor Of The Nightmare King

It's been roughly thirteen years after Zanbongfar's defeat. Zan and Ayumi now have four children. Though the three youngest children have began to manifest abilities, Sanziri, the first born manifests no abilities. His siblings try to cheer him up but unbeknownst to them, he is not depressed and has been undergoing his own sort of training. He is also determined to avoid the tragedies that befell his predecessors. However when he is taken to see his Gramps, the Nightmare King, he commences training under the Nightmare King's tutorship and is presented with a mysterious Tome which may determine whether or not he can avoid the tragedies that befell his predecessors or will instead inherit them.

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